I’ve lived in Alberta my whole life, in Edmonton for almost 20 years and I’d never been to Elk Island National Park until this past week.

I know what some of you are thinking. What took you so long? Honestly, I don’t know. Many friends had told me about all the fun they’d had, I’d seen amazing pictures from my photography friends and I always thought to myself that I need to get out there some day. Thanks to my very good friend Allison, who offered to take us out there, 2 moms and 4 kids set out on an adventure.
Looking for more activities? Check out these posts:
- Short Day Trips from Edmonton
- Roadside Attractions day trip to the northeast of Edmonton
- Head East of YEG!
- 8-day/7-night Alberta highlights

We started by going down Bison Loop Road, to see the grazing beauties & stopped at the Big Red Chairs, before driving to the beach to eat our supper.

The lake. It sure is beautiful and was a perfect place for supper.
After supper, we checked out the Living Waters Boardwalk.

We did the loop & hit the playground. Then we walked up and checked out the old house.

The sun was coming down in the sky so we hit the car again to head out for a 2.5Km hike down Amisk Wuche Trail.

The sun was almost down as we finished up the last bit of the hike and it was amazing.

The kids had spent the whole time looking for markers, discussing the fairies that lived under the mushrooms, watching a teeny tiny tree frog hop across the path and generally being as loud a possible.

It was my favourite play date this summer and I highly recommend it! Be sure to check out their events page too. They have sessions running every weekend over the summer.